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REST API Explorer

Data center operations and Support teams can login to https://<ONES-serverIP>/explorer and get access to all the REST APIs which customers can leverage to develop their own custom scripts to monitor the SONiC based data center. Aviz ONES REST API explorer section ensures customers get flexibility in their DevOps operation approach with limited resources and OEM dependency .

Why use ONES REST APIs interface over SONiC enabled Fabric

  • Ease-of-use and flexibility- Availability of third-party Yaml clients ensures the REST API is language agnostic and can integrate into any existing NetOps infrastructure and workflow.

  • Interactive API documentation - Customer’s Network Operation , DevOpS and engineering teams can leverage Aviz’s ONES REST APIs for developing their own business applications .

  • Network automation - ONES REST API enables abstract development of Configuration workflows and Data Center infrastructure management tools which provides a user value proposition to Data Center operations by abstracting the business logic with the Network operations.